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Baia Mare (Romania), 26 September - 2 October, 2011 “Creating New Bridges”: a project run by young people for young people Representatives from ten different national youth organisations came together in the famous “Land of Dracula to attend workshops, debates, seminars, panels, as well as taking part in games, trips and guided tours with the shared intent of promoting democracy and social awareness across borders Di Francesca Bisbano (translator Giulia Gelmini Hornsby)
Creating new bridges, establishing connections between volunteers and youth support workers, bringing different cultures together to create strong and lasting foundations for solidarity and mutual respect: these were the central themes of “Creating New Bridges”, the youth exchange that took place in Romania between September, 26 and October, 2, this year.
Work, fun, engagement and commitment were at the heart of this event, where intercultural team building was facilitated by the hands-on nature of the activities involved, thus enabling everyone to realise their potential for problem solving and project planning. Moreover, this event showed how informal learning and shared experience can provide an important context where different cultures can thrive together. So what are youth exchanges like “Creating New Bridges” and why are they so important? The reasons are manifold. This type of projects brings about a unique potential for cultural enrichment that can only be experienced in contexts that are different form our own. A cultural exchange is more than just a holiday for young people: it represents a precious opportunity for exchange among people who share the same age, the same dream for cultural integration and the same call to become part of the history of tomorrow as European citizens. Finally, it is important to note that this sort of events plays an important role in facilitating the dissemination of knowledge about relevant EU projects. These projects could represent a concrete support to help young people build a super-national alternative to the local social, political and economic powers that all too often impose their restricted view over young people’s enthusiasm for a global democracy.
Argomenti: #baia mare , #bridges , #jung , #romania , #rumania , #volunters Leggi tutti gli articoli di Francesca Bisbano (translator Giulia Gelmini Hornsby) (n° articoli 1) |
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